I will give you the blueprint to make BIG SALES and get great clients consistently.

September 10 - 12, 2024| No Travel Required

Get Exclusive Early Bird Access!

You’ve been here...  

Finally, you’re in front of a great prospect. Someone is interested in what you do and she seems to be getting it. You ask questions. She answers. Her eyes sparkle as you start exploring what life would be like when she finally gets this problem solved.  

The possibility and joy of working with your ideal client starts to bubble - creating bursts of excitement.  

Because you can really help her with your unique expertise. You want to jump up and down with excitement, but you rein yourself in. Not time to celebrate yet.  

Even though your palms are a little sweaty from the nerves, offering your higher end programs feels exciting. The idea of gaining a new client - one you’d love to help - makes you bolder.  

So you make an offer to this wonderful, ideal prospect. You push out the words and ask her to buy at your highest investment price ever.  

And she says yes.  

(She didn’t even hesitate when she heard the full price offer.)  

You shake hands on the deal and start planning your first meeting as client and coach.    

Congratulations, you!! This is a HUGE milestone.

The next morning, you see your shiny new client’s name in your email inbox. So soon? You click on the message and begin to read.  

She wants to cancel. It’s simply not in the budget.   

But it just doesn’t make sense. She really should have bought. Maybe this isn’t the right client. Or the right offer. Or the right business?  

Maybe YOU are just not right.  

You slowly recover and get back out there doing sales and making offers, but let’s face it - you’re gun shy.  

Maybe you’ll get that breakthrough next year. At least you’re hanging in there...  

But here's the deal... 

You are NOT content to just hang in there!

You are NOT someone who waits for luck or counts on hope. And waiting for the mystery of massive sales success to solve itself is WAY too costly. So I’ve taken my 25 years of sales experience and created this completely transformational training for you...  

What it Actually Takes to Attract and Convert High Paying Clients

Day 1: Raise Your Fees 

  • Discover the words to communicate your priceless value
  • My proven 5-Step Sales Confidence Formula that will help any entrepreneur fall in love with high ticket selling (even if you think you can’t sell!)

Day 2: Double Your Sales

  • Master objections - once and for all - with one simple step. (It’s way easier than you currently think - no sweaty palms needed!)

Day 3: Magnetize High Ticket Buyers

  • Where to go and what to say to attract ideal clients who can’t wait to say YES to your offer!

Plus, I’ll share my transformation from zero list, zero following, and zero clue into a powerhouse entrepreneur selling millions of dollars in products and services -- all with one-on-one sales.

Your millionaire success is inevitable - when you use my clear and reliable sales transformation process.

"If you put your trust in Jennifer, she won’t let you down."

“I’d like to highly recommend Jennifer Diepstraten. I can tell you, she gets it, she’s committed and she’s totally there to help other entrepreneurs have the big breakthroughs that she’s had. I know that if you put your trust in her, she won’t let you down.“  

Lisa Sasevich, Creator of the Speak to Sell Formula

Selling a million dollars a year and growing a business you love...

Begins with knowing success is inevitable, regardless of the circumstances, economy or environment.

Now you need a combination of the proven processes that grow sales combined with a rock solid yet agile mindset so that you can weather any storm. That way, you know that even if you get stuck, you can get unstuck in less time and seize new opportunities.

Remember the first time you sold a $500 service. That was a big deal, right? (I remember being so relieved that I wasn’t just dreaming - but that I was adding real value.) How about when you eventually raised your prices to $1000 for that same service? What a rush that was? It’s amazing to think that $500 used to be a stretch. 

Pretty magical stuff, right?  

Not magical. Predictable.  

Once I discovered that growing my beliefs, my pricing, and my own sense of value was a conscious, step-by-step process -- business took off (and keeps on soaring!).  

Because once you have a systematic, reliable system to grow yourself to the next level over and over - million dollars sales are way closer than you think.  

That’s exactly how a Million-Dollar business is created.

"Jennifer can...make you millions."

“If you’re struggling getting others to actually hire you, it’s this one thing that can make a really big difference. And Jennifer is the woman that can get you over that hump to make that happen, to make you millions.”

Sandra Yancey, CEO and Founder of eWomenNetwork

Real Time Practice

Life-Changing Connections

Awe-Inspiring Success Stories

Laser Coaching Time

Expanded Possibility

"I’ve raised my training packages to $3,500 for 90 days and sold $27,000!"

“Before I worked with Jennifer I was selling my premium nutrition services for $200 a month and one-on-one personal fitness training sessions for $100 an hour! Boy did it hurt! I also had no idea how to explain my services in a way that made my prospects excited to work with me. I would freeze when people had objections, and I did not have a clue about how to make an offer. Working with Jennifer changed all of that. In just 4 months since training with Jennifer, I’ve raised my training packages to $3500 for 90 days and sold $27,000 worth of fitness and nutrition packages, which is awesome! Now I get to work with my ideal clients who are willing to invest in me and get better results because of it. I wish I’d called Jennifer 10 years ago!”  

Kristen Nolan, Owner, I Luv My Body Fitness  


Ever wonder why one person can make millions of dollars in the same time that another person can only make thousands, and not willing to just chalk it up to "the economy?"

What few people understand is the pervasive relationship of results to time. Chances are, you believe that the more you accomplish, the more results. But I bet this is why you feel you have so much to do - without the profit you hoped for. In this segment, you’ll experience implementing my Ultimate Decision Filter on your business to eliminate wasted time, compress your learning curve, and exponentially grow your income regardless of what's happening around you.

The result?

Getting to that big growth year now, not later.


Wondering where to find the people who can afford your services? Feel uncomfortable reaching out to that big affiliate partner with the exact audience you’d love to reach? We’ll uncover the obstacles keeping you from attracting clients in need of your expertise and are ready to pay you the high fees you deserve. Plus, you’ll be 100% ready to magnetically engage when that perfect client, JV partner, or speaking gig appears.


Does it drive you nuts when you do everything perfectly in a sales conversation - and they still don’t buy? You’ve tried all the “right “ things - so where do you go from here?

Objections, “No’s,” and refund requests are simply a symptom of unresolved concerns - that you didn’t investigate (but totally could’ve - once you know what to look for!)

Have you ever suspected someone might not buy and then they didn’t? 

In this segment, you’ll learn to use that sixth sense (yes, you have one!) to anticipate and resolve these concerns before your prospective client even knows they have them. By embodying your Millionaire Sales Mindset, you’ll become the obvious answer and provide the irresistible solution. You’ll know it - they’ll know it - and high ticket sales will be the final proof.


Worried that people aren’t buying? Or won’t buy your higher priced services?

Here’s a secret: Your sales will never outpace your limiting beliefs.

Ok, you might be thinking. I can see that - but how do I change it? We will dive into the stress that keeps you stuck. How to stop stressing over the sale that you didn’t win - and stop stressing over the sale you did win because you’re not sure if you can serve at a high level.

An upward spiral of success will follow. Promise. You have to know that you are the bomb, the it girl, the stud, the sales master - in such an absolutely confident way that no matter what happens - you’ll succeed. Today’s yes or no doesn’t matter because no one does what you do the way you do. You’ll embody the ability to bounce back quickly from a sales slump and approach challenges with confidence and excitement. The goal? Rolling out of bed knowing big sales are on the way. You just need the steps to make it happen.


Want to be the person other people want to pay top dollar for? Want your business to exceed your wildest dreams? 

Every successful business was created out of nothing. Everyone who is somebody was once a nobody. 

So how is success created? 

It’s all about a specific alchemy of traits, ideas, teams, systems, determination, and faith. 

In this segment of the Millionaire Sales Mindset, you’ll discover the seed - and where to find it within you. You’ll learn the one thing that every successful person thinks and how to remember it when you forget so people pay you for the incredible, one-of-a-kind value you provide.  

"It made perfect sense to offer a program for $5000 instead of $350."

“When I started working with Jennifer, I was getting ready to launch a program for $350 per month. She seriously helped me by allowing me to see how I could meet less times 1-on-1 with clients, really qualify the value that I have to provide, and make it make perfect sense to offer a similar program for $5000. I sold two of those at $5000 within a week!! Having Jennifer on our team as the person who kicks my sales booty has been crazily beneficial for me!”

Molly Mahoney, Camera Confidence and Facebook Live Coach  

Let’s lift as we climb!

About our beneficiary, Natural High

Your gift will support Natural High, one of my favorite charities. Natural High inspires and empowers you to find their natural high and develop the skills and courage to live life well.

  • 13 is the average age of first-time drug use and alcohol use.
  • 9 out of 10 addictions start in the teen years
  • There is no national programming in schools to teach youth about drug and alcohol abuse.

Natural High engages storytellers who kids admire and trust such as Bethany Hamilton, Tony Hawk, Donald Brown, Switchfoot, Jordyn Wieber, Chelsie Hightower, Echosmith and others to create free and impactful content for youth about why they choose an alcohol-free and drug-free life. Natural High's evidence-based program is used in all 50 states and makes use of current scientific findings on youth behavior, brain development, social norming, and substance abuse prevention.

In alignment with our intention to support those who inspire us, simply choose your access level below and 10% of your event registration fee will be donated directly to our event beneficiary.

Thanks for lifting with us!

Virtual Event Schedule
September 10 - 12, 2024

September 10th

9:00 - 6:30 pm PT

September 11th

9:00 - 6:00 pm PT

September 12th

9:00 - 5:00 pm PT

YES! This is a 100% Online Virtual Event Experience - No Travel Required.

September 10 - 12, 2024

Virtual Event - No Travel Required

Tickets for our September 10 -12, 2024 event will go on sale soon!

Click on the button below and provide your details. We will let you know as soon as tickets are available and receive Early Bird bonuses.

Get Exclusive Early Bird Access!

"Nowadays I feel confident that every time I have a conversation with a potential client they will leave a raving fan."

“After working with Jennifer on my sales conversations... I feel confident that every time I have a conversation with a potential client they will leave a raving fan. AND I was able to raise my 1:1 coaching rate while consistently enrolling awesome clients. Jennifer is a genius at teaching this stuff!”

AMY PEARSON, Live Brazen